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Remote Support

  • Remote Desktop Support

Scheduled Care

  • PM Visit(s)
  • Shipping
  • Travel & Daily Per Diem
  • Consumables
  • Anode Rebuild*

Bronze Care

  • PM Visit(s)
  • Travel & Daily Per Diem
  • Labor
  • Anode Rebuild*

Silver Care

  • Remote Desktop Support
  • Software Update
  • Priority Response
  • PM Visit(s)
  • Emergency Visit(s)
  • Parts
  • Shipping
  • Loaner Parts
  • Travel & Daily Per Diem
  • Labor
  • Anode Rebuild*

Gold Care

  • Remote Desktop Support
  • Software Update
  • Priority Response
  • PM Visit(s)
  • Emergency Visit(s)
  • Parts
  • Shipping
  • Loaner Parts
  • Travel & Daily Per Diem
  • Labor
  • Consumables
  • Anode Rebuild*

Platinum Care

  • Remote Desktop Support
  • Software Update
  • Priority Response
  • PM Visit(s)
  • Emergency Visit(s)
  • Parts
  • Shipping
  • Loaner Parts
  • Travel & Daily Per Diem
  • Labor
  • Consumables
  • Anode Rebuild*

*Applicable only to rotating anode X-ray generators.


Do you just want online support and keep the cost low?

Do you need a 48-hour guaranteed on-site response and have all the consumable parts included in the plan to keep your system running?

Or, you might want something in between.

You are always welcome to schedule an appointment with our contract coordinator or explore options yourself using the self-selection tool.

Is my system eligible for a service contract? See the list of supported systems.


remote support

remote support

An affordable choice for the experienced

8-hour block of Remote Support

Package Details

8-hour block of Remote Support to be used as needed for troubleshooting. Rigaku engineers assist you in performing simple tasks such as sample and optics alignment, diagnosing system faults, and troubleshooting software problems. The supporting technology includes:

  • Telephone support - A Rigaku engineer will help you troubleshoot and resolve issues over the phone.
  • Team Viewer – A Rigaku engineer accesses your computer remotely.
  • Help Lightning – A Rigaku engineer will help you troubleshoot and resolve issues using an augmented reality program.

scheduled care

Scheduled care

scheduled maintenance (PM)

Limited remote support during business hours

One (1) on-site visit for PM or repair*

PM kit consisting of consumable items

One (1) Anode Rebuild**

Package Details

Labor, travel, and daily living expenses for One (1) on-site visit per contract period. The visit can be used for a PM or repair*. Consumable items are replaced during the PM visit. The Anode Rebuild includes parts, balancing, labor, and shipping (one way) per generator to be used during the contract period**.

*Repair parts and shipping are not included and must be purchased separately when needed.
**Applicable only to rotating anode X-ray generators.


Bronze Care

limited Prepaid repair and scheduled maintenance

Limited remote support during business hours

One (1) on-site visit for repair

One (1) on-site visit for PM

PM kit consisting of consumable items

One (1) Anode Rebuild**

Package Details

Limited remote support available during normal business hours. Labor, travel, and daily living expenses for One (1) on-site visit per contract period for repair* plus One (1) PM visit. Consumable items are replaced during the PM visit. The Anode Rebuild includes parts, balancing, labor, and shipping (one way) per generator to be used during the contract period**.

*Repair parts and shipping are not included and must be purchased separately when needed.
**Applicable only to rotating anode X-ray generators.


Silver Care

Prepaid repair and scheduled maintenance

Unlimited remote support during business hours

Software upgrades and support for applicable control software

72-hour Best Effort on-site response time upon initial diagnosis during business hours

Repair visit(s) as deemed necessary

Standard repair parts including one-way shipping

Loaner parts when available

One (1) on-site visit for PM

PM kit consisting of consumable items

One (1) Anode Rebuild**

Package Details

Unlimited remote support available during normal business hours. Labor, travel, and daily living expenses for on-site visit for repair(s)* as deemed necessary by the Service Manager plus One (1) PM visit. Software upgrade for control applicable software. 72-hour Best Effort on-site response time upon initial diagnosis during business hours. Consumable items are replaced during the PM visit. The Anode Rebuild includes parts, balancing, labor, and shipping (one way) per generator to be used during the contract period**.

*Standard repair parts and one-way shipping to your site are included.
**Applicable only to rotating anode X-ray generators.


Gold Care

Prepaid repair with fast response and scheduled maintenance

Unlimited remote support during business hours

Software upgrades and support for applicable control software

48-hour Best Effort on-site response time upon initial diagnosis during business hours

Repair visit(s) as deemed necessary

Standard repair parts including one-way shipping

Loaner parts when available

Two (2) on-site visits for PM

PM kit consisting of consumable items

One (1) Anode Rebuild**

Package Details

Unlimited remote support available during normal business hours. Labor, travel, and daily living expenses for on-site visit for repair(s)* as deemed necessary by the Service Manager. Plus One (1) PM visit. Software upgrade for control applicable control software. 48-hour Best Effort on-site response time upon initial diagnosis during business hours. Consumable items are replaced during the PM visit. The Anode Rebuild includes parts, balancing, labor, and shipping (one way) per generator to be used during the contract period**.

*Standard repair parts and one-way shipping to your site are included.
**Applicable only to rotating anode X-ray generators.


Platinum Care

Prepaid repair with guaranteed fast response and scheduled maintenance

Unlimited remote support during business hours

Software upgrades and support for applicable control software

48-hour Guarantee on-site response time upon initial diagnosis during business hours

Repair visit(s) as deemed necessary

Standard repair parts including one-way shipping

Loaner parts when available

Two (2) on-site visits for PM

PM kit consisting of consumable items

One (1) Anode Rebuild**

Package Details

Unlimited remote support available during normal business hours. Labor, travel, and daily living expenses for on-site visit for repair(s)* as deemed necessary by the Service Manager. Plus One (1) PM visit. Software upgrade for control applicable control software. 48-hour Guarantee on-site response time upon initial diagnosis during business hours. Consumable items are replaced during the PM visit. The Anode Rebuild includes parts, balancing, labor, and shipping (one way) per generator to be used during the contract period**.

*Standard repair parts and one-way shipping to your site are included.
**Applicable only to rotating anode X-ray generators.