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Service Contracts: 3 Reasons Why You May Want One

Did you spend a lot of money on your X-ray machine? If that’s the case, you probably want to get the most out of it for a long time. X-ray equipment can produce accurate results for a long time when cared for properly, but can also be ruined quickly if neglected. To keep your machine running and healthy, you must give it proper service and maintenance. This will guarantee a longer lifetime and help control costs during unexpected events.

Service contracts are a good way to help you do so. The goal of a service contract is to improve your system’s performance and minimize disruptions and expenses. If you are in the research field, unexpected repair costs might be a huge pain. If you are in the industrial manufacturing field, the machines might be needed 24/7, and any downtime could bring production to a halt.

lab equipment

Service contracts can give you peace of mind and the most bang for your buck by preventing problems and preparing you for the unexpected. Here are three reasons why you may want to consider getting a service contract:

Control Cost

Maintaining and repairing a machine can be more expensive than you think. Did you know that without a service contract, you are responsible for paying all the on-site labor, shipping and insurance of parts, repairs, and the travel and living expenses of the technicians for each visit? Not to mention the higher fees for repairs during busy hours. This can quickly snowball into something bigger than it needs to be. On the other hand, service contracts work like insurance and can keep the cost under control.

Reduce Downtime

Did your equipment fail and cause delays at the most inconvenient times? This can be a huge disruption for your business or customers. Without a service contract, you must get a quotation for a service call, cut a purchase order, then wait for the nearest available service engineer to make their way to you. Your local service technicians might be booked or the available ones may be across the country, and it might take weeks to get someone on site. Service contracts help save you time by guaranteeing 48-hour response or priority scheduling to get an engineer on site fast, no matter how far away the nearest service engineer is.

When equipment is down, some users might experience more intense disruptions to their business than others; for example, R&D labs that use these machines once a week versus a production line that runs their machines 24/7. Equipment downtime is inevitable, but this can be scheduled or reduced. You can do that by keeping your machine in good health. Service contracts offer routine preventive maintenance visits by certified service engineers to replace consumables and finetune the machine to reduce unexpected downtime.

Improved Performance

Proper maintenance keeps your machine functioning efficiently and producing accurate results. Service contracts help you do so in two ways: health inspection and routine maintenance visits. Conducting an initial on-site equipment health check inspection will let you know if your machine is in good working condition and if any repairs are needed upfront. Follow-up routine preventive maintenance visits are there to make sure your machine stays in good health and catch problems before they occur or become more serious. For example, these visits often include cleaning a water chiller, changing filters, checking filaments, batteries, etc.

You might be thinking, “It sounds nice, but it must be expensive.” To help everyone consider getting coverage, we have a wide range of service contract packages, starting from $1,500/year. You can choose the right fit based on your budget. Start where you feel comfortable: 

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